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Atlas Hivo A5+ SN Plus 10W-40 4L

Orders (2)
Rs. 5,990.00

Super Multigrade. Excellent detergency and dispersancy. Reduces the risk of destructive pre-ignition. Very high viscosity index operation. Excellent thermal stability. Very good antiwear, antirust, antifoaming, antioxidant, anticorrosion...

GP Petrogen Fully Synthetic SN 10W-40 3L

Orders (0)
Rs. 4,140.00

GP Petrogn Fully Synthetic multi-grade motor oils are superior quality, all season High performance product formulated from high quality synthetic base fluids and high speed circuit proven additive technology meeting and exceeding API & SAE Speci..

GP Petrogen Fully Synthetic SN 10W-40 4L

Orders (0)
Rs. 5,520.00

GP Petrogn Fully Synthetic multi-grade motor oils are superior quality, all season High performance product formulated from high quality synthetic base fluids and high speed circuit proven additive technology meeting and exceeding API & SAE Speci..

Havoline Motor Oil Extra SL 10W-40 3L

Orders (0)
Rs. 4,090.00

Havoline Motor Oil Extra is a high quality, shear-stable, multi grade engine oil for us in a wide range of passenger car and light-duty commercial vehicle gasoline engines where API SL performance lubricants are required...

Havoline Motor Oil Extra SL 10W-40 4L

Orders (4)
Rs. 5,450.00

Provides High Level of Protection against Friction.Heat Stress and Engine Deposits.Preserves Power and Performance.saves on Maintenance Costs.Provides Longer Engine Life...

Havoline Super 4T SN Jaso MA2 10W-40 Fully Synthetic Zoom Tech 1L

Orders (13)
Rs. 1,950.00

Havoline® Super 4T Fully Synthetic is a premium fully synthetic oil with Havoline C.O.R.E.+ Technology, specially formulated to suit the demanding needs of high performance motorcycles in all city riding conditions...

kixx G SJ 10W-40 3L

Orders (2)
Rs. 5,110.00

Gasoline engines equipped with emissions control equipment top-tier engine oil grade of API SJ and ILSAC GF-5. Marine applications of passenger car type gasoline engine Especially for fuel efficiency, reducing friction loss and durability...

Kixx G1 SN Plus 10W-40 4L

Orders (0)
Rs. 8,160.00

Kixx 10w40 ;SN All Gasoline fueled Vehicles High performance cars equipped with DOHC ; EFI and VVT Four- Stroke gasoline engines in motorcycles Sports vehicles...

Kixx Ultra 4T SL 10W-40 1L

Orders (6)
Rs. 1,800.00

Semi Synthetic, Formulated from Synthetic Technology meeting the requirement of current advanced top-tier engine oil grade of API SL. Optimized to provide complete scooter engine oil performance especially for fuel efficiency, reducing friction loss ..

Liquimoly Mos2 10W-40 4L

Orders (0)
Rs. 12,000.00

MoS2 Low-Friction SAE 10W-40 is a modern, all-year round and low-friction engine oil formulated from selected mineral and synthetic base oils. The high additive content which includes the solid lubricant molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) guarantees optimu..

LiquiMoly Super Leichtlauf SN 10W-40 4L

Orders (0)
Rs. 12,000.00

High-tech synthetic all-season, low-friction motor oil.Super Low-Friction was developed for the toughest requirements of modern,high-performance gasoline and diesel engines without extended maintenance intervals.Tested for use with catalytic converte..

Mobil Super 2000 10W-40 4L

Orders (1)
Rs. 10,400.00

Excellent wear protection Excellent engine cleanliness Excellent high-temperature protection The Mobil Super 2000 range of lubricants are enhanced-premium semi-synthetic engine oils, designed to provide an excellent level of protection and perform..

Petromin Synthomix SN 10W-40 4L

Orders (1)
Rs. 7,200.00

Suitable for most severe operating conditions, on highways, dense city trafic & in extreme weather conditions. Suitable & exceeds the performance requirements of most European, Japanese and American car manufacturers...

Petromin Synthomix SN10W-40 3L

Orders (0)
Rs. 5,800.00

Recommended for all Gasoline engines in cars and light vehicles.All turbocharged and multi-valved engines.Suitable for most severe operating conditions, on highways, dense city trafic & in extreme weather conditions.Suitable & exceeds the per..

Shell Helix HX6 SN 10W-40 3L

Orders (1)
Rs. 4,950.00

Makes use of both synthetic and mineral base stocks to achieve higher performance levels than can be formulated from mineral oils alone.Helps to extend engine life by protecting against wear.Helps to maintain protection throughout the oil-drain inter..

Shell Helix HX6 SN/CF 10W-40 4L

Orders (0)
Rs. 6,599.00

Makes use of both synthetic and mineral base stocks to achieve higher performance levels than can be formulated from mineral oils alone Helps to extend engine life by protecting against wear Helps to maintain protection throughout the oil-drain int..

Suzuki Ecstar F7000 SN 10W-40 Semi Synthetic 3L

Orders (22)
Rs. 5,500.00

Formulated, tested and Approved by Suzuki Motor Corporation, Japan Best for Suzuki Automobile engines (all variants)Improves fuel efficiency Guarantees unsurpassed engine protection Available at wholesale rates from Suzuki Authorized dealership...

Showing 1 to 20 of 30 (2 Pages)